Staffing Agency Performance Scorecard Template (Free Download)

Aug 11th, 2019
Staffing Agency Performance Scorecard Template (Free Download)

How to setup metrics to measure your staffing agency's performance. Here is a free template to download and use for yourself. Not to be reproduced and recirculated especially on the Internet.

Do you work in Procurement, Strategic Sourcing, HR, Contingent Staffing. Do you need a scorecard to start measuring your supplier's performance and don't know where to start, this template is a detailed scorecard that tries to capture all the things you can and should measure.

However, if you prefer a low overhead and simple template, just use the ones you care about or are important to your organization. Cells highlighted in grey are typically the most important. If you are a staffing agency and your client is asking you for a dashboard, you can use this and remove fields that might not be applicable or you'd rather not have the client measure you on.































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