Founded in 1926, the history of UTi over the past 85 plus years has been about growth created by delivering client value. The company started as a freight forwarder in Germany and grew into a global supply chain provider with 21,000 employees and company-owned offices in 59 countries. UTi now offers complete supply chain services and solutions, including air, ocean, distribution, customs brokerage, and contract logistics, capable of providing demand chain services globally. By integrating IT platforms and developing a UTi-client team approach to the planning and implementation process, its supply chain solutions maximize efficiencies and cost-effectiveness. Benefits are also realized from greater consistency and a more seamless flow of goods; higher levels of productivity from both parties' personnel; and ultimately a lower cost per unit of production.
In 1993, Union-Transport was acquired by a group led by Roger MacFarlane, Peter Thorrington and Tiger Wessels. Previously, these managers owned WTC Airfreight, which they sold to Pittston, the holding company for Burlington Air Express. MacFarlane and Thorrington served as joint CEOs of Burlington Air Express prior to the acquisition of Union-Transport. In 2000, the company was listed on NASDAQ under UTIW and changed its name to UTi Worldwide, Inc. Since that time, revenues have grown to approximately $5 billion annually through a combination of innovative client solutions that deliver quantified value, end-to-end visibility and control down to the SKU level, and the addition of supply chain capabilities in transportation management contract logistics and distribution.
UTi’s current strategy, CLIENTasONE is aligned with its long-standing company purpose of delivering competitive advantage to each of its clients' supply chains. CLIENTasONE explains who it is, why it does what it does, how it does it, and the end result: greater value to its clients, its people, and shareholders as it has become a market leader in "client-centricity."
UTi is always looking for qualified people to join its teams. It offers the opportunity to be a part of a rapidly expanding, world-class supply chain services and integrated solutions organization. Join a team that earns client loyalty and cherishes long-term relationships by optimizing each of its clients' supply chains. As an industry leader, it offers a full-featured benefits and compensation program along with a host of development and training opportunities for ongoing career growth. All of this in a dynamic, fast-paced, team-oriented work environment.
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