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    H1b: Yes(23)

    Corp-Corp: Yes

    Client includes

    Overview of contract jobs at Nordstrom

    One of the nation's largest upscale apparel and shoe retailers, Nordstrom sells clothes, shoes, and accessories through some115 Nordstrom stores about 90 off-price outlet stores (Nordstrom Rack) in more than 25 states. It also operates a pair of Jeffrey luxury boutiques, a "Last Chance" clearance store, and sells goods online and through catalogs.

    If you can't land a full-time job at Nordstrom, you can get your foot in the door with a contract job throguh one of the staffing or consulting companies listed abover. Connect with its recruiters.

    Hourly Salaries for Contractors at Nordstrom

    $/hr on W2 (Salary): Min/Avg/Max

    Contractors interested in Nordstrom

    Only visible to verified staffing agencies and hiring companies

    Companies- Subscribe to get access

    Contract Jobs at Nordstrom

    Full-time Jobs at Nordstrom

    To see contract jobs, go to one of the approved vendor's page (above) and look at their jobs tab instead.
    Companies don't advertise their contract jobs themselves

    Employee Reviews for Nordstrom

    Sign in. Picking a rating between 5/10 (Mixed)- 10/10 (Exceptional), write a review and submit

     Your reviews will be posted anonymously. Submit

    Reviewed: 07-2013

    Helpful? Yes No 1 users says yes Report abuse
    Anonymous (other) Rated Excellent
    Reviewed: 12-2012

    They pay respect to their employees, one of the good companies to work with a great atmosphere due to its wonder culture the company is running good .The pay and benefits are great.

    Helpful? Yes No 1 users says yes Report abuse
    Anonymous (other) Rated Good
    Reviewed: 02-2012

    Helpful? Yes No 1 users says yes Report abuse

    Recruiters to get a contract job at Nordstrom

    Agencies- Subscribe to have your recruiters listed here.

    Rating for Contract Jobs


    out of 10
    Good Reviews based on: 0 Recruiter, 0 Contractors, 3 Others
    Rating distribution:
    Positive 2
    Mixed 1
    Negative 0

    Nordstrom Offices

    • 1617 6th Ave.
      Seattle WA 98101-1742 US
    • 1617 6th Ave.
      Seattle WA 98101-1742 US

    Company Website