Come be part of the team that’s building the next generation platform for school improvement!
Metria provides interlocking curricular planning tools and accountability data management tools that help educators and administrators:
1. Improve instructional efficiency by aligning plans, goals, assessments, and interventions, and
2. Deliver instructional intelligence by enabling more targeted instruction and intervention based on data that is derived specifically from the level of fulfillment of those plans, goals, assessments, and interventions.
Metria sees these as two sides of the same coin. We have based our entire design strategy around these two interwoven concepts. A system of interlocking plans goes down the hierarchy from LEA to school to classroom to student. A set of data-focused key performance indicators and other accountability measures, based upon the goals of those plans, is transmitted back up the hierarchy from student to teacher to principal to district administrator. It is the synergy of these two toolsets working together that provides the impact that Metria delivers for improving the instructional process. We call this an Instructional Alignment System.