Kaiser Permanente

Hires Contractors from these Approved Staffing Agencies.

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    H1b: Yes(23)

    Corp-Corp: Yes

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    Overview of contract jobs at Kaiser Permanente

    Kaiser Permanente's mission is to provide high-quality, affordable health care services to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.

    At Kaiser Permanente, physicians are responsible for medical decisions. The Permanente Medical Groups, which provide care for Kaiser Permanente members, continuously develop and refine medical practices to help ensure that care is delivered in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

    Kaiser Permanente's creation resulted from the challenge of providing Americans medical care during the Great Depression and World War II, when most people could not afford to go to a doctor. Among the innovations it has brought to U.S. health care are:

    * prepaid insurance which spreads the cost to make it more affordable
    * physician group practice to maximize their abilities to care for patients
    * a focus on preventing illness as much as on caring for the sick
    * an organized delivery system, putting as many services as possible under one roof

    To get a contract job at Kaiser, connect with the consulting companies that provide contractors and consultants of staffing agencies that help Kaiser with contractors and temps.

    You can register with KP through their online portal where they self-source candidates at http://www.kaiserpermanentejobs.org/career-area/contract-assignments

    KP's preferred staffing for each category is
    Health/Medical Staffing- AMN Healthcare
    IT staffing- Rose International
    Business/Accounting/Finance staffing- Bartech Group

    Hourly Salaries for Contractors at Kaiser Permanente

    $/hr on W2 (Salary): Min/Avg/Max

    Contractors interested in Kaiser Permanente

    Only visible to verified staffing agencies and hiring companies

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    Contract Jobs at Kaiser Permanente

    Full-time Jobs at Kaiser Permanente

    To see contract jobs, go to one of the approved vendor's page (above) and look at their jobs tab instead.
    Companies don't advertise their contract jobs themselves

    Employee Reviews for Kaiser Permanente

    Sign in. Picking a rating between 5/10 (Mixed)- 10/10 (Exceptional), write a review and submit

     Your reviews will be posted anonymously. Submit

    Anonymous (other) Rated Good
    Reviewed: 06-2015

    A big cafeteria here at Alameda with a lot vending machines etc, I think it

    Helpful? Yes No 3 users says yes Report abuse
    Reviewed: 05-2015

    Benefits are great if you are hired for fulltime.

    Helpful? Yes No 1 users says yes Report abuse
    Anonymous (other) Rated Excellent
    Reviewed: 04-2015

    Temp technician job at KP was among the best jobs I had in the past. Wonderful management, pay/benefits all well.

    Helpful? Yes No 2 users says yes Report abuse
    Reviewed: 03-2015

    Helpful trainings but for short durations.

    Helpful? Yes No 2 users says yes Report abuse
    Anonymous (other) Rated Good
    Reviewed: 01-2014

    Helpful? Yes No 3 users says yes Report abuse
    Anonymous (other) Rated Excellent
    Reviewed: 02-2013

    Helpful? Yes No 2 users says yes Report abuse

    Recruiters to get a contract job at Kaiser Permanente

    Agencies- Subscribe to have your recruiters listed here.

    Rating for Contract Jobs

    Kaiser Permanente

    out of 10
    Good Reviews based on: 0 Recruiter, 0 Contractors, 6 Others
    Rating distribution:
    Positive 4
    Mixed 2
    Negative 0

    Kaiser Permanente Offices

    • Kaiser Plaza 19th Floor
      Oakland CA 94612 United States
    • Kaiser Plaza 19th Floor
      Oakland CA 94612 United States
    • 6600 Bruceville Road
      Sacramento CA 95823 US
    • 5893 Copley Dr
      San Diego CA 92111 US
    • 1960 Ogden St.
      Denver CO 80218 US
    • 7601 Stoneridge Dr
      Pleasanton CA 94588 US

    Company Website