Fire Department City of New York

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    Corp-Corp: Yes

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    Overview of contract jobs at Fire Department City of New York

    The Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) is the largest Fire Department in the United States and universally is recognized as the world's busiest and most highly skilled emergency response agency, providing fire protection, search and rescue, pre-hospital care and other critical public safety services to residents and visitors in the five boroughs. Since its inception in 1865, FDNY has helped lead efforts to make New York the safest big city in the nation. This accomplishment requires a steadfast and daily commitment to maintaining the Department’s core values of Service, Bravery, Safety, Honor, Dedication and Preparedness. To that end, FDNY members are sworn to serve and protect life and property.

    FDNY not only responds to more than a million emergencies every year, its personnel also strive to prevent them by continually educating the public in fire, life safety and disaster preparedness, along with enforcing public safety codes.  
    FDNY employs:
    ·         More than 10,000 Firefighters and Fire Officers
    ·         More than 3500 EMTs, Paramedics and EMS Officers
    ·         More than 100 Fire Marshals
    ·         More than 300 Fire Inspectors
    ·         More than 400 Dispatchers
    ·         More than 800 Support Personnel
    To find your next contract job at FDNY, you should connect with recruiters at its preferred staffing agencies listed above.

    Hourly Salaries for Contractors at Fire Department City of New York

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    Contractors interested in Fire Department City of New York

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    Contract Jobs at Fire Department City of New York

    Full-time Jobs at Fire Department City of New York

    To see contract jobs, go to one of the approved vendor's page (above) and look at their jobs tab instead.
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    Employee Reviews for Fire Department City of New York

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    Reviewed: 06-2015

    Temp data entry specialist job ended smoothly after six months. It was just a regular job with an average pay but a great value to the resume.

    Helpful? Yes No 0 users says yes Report abuse
    Reviewed: 04-2015

    Average work/life balance, you may be asked to work on weekends.

    Helpful? Yes No 0 users says yes Report abuse

    Recruiters to get a contract job at Fire Department City of New York

    Agencies- Subscribe to have your recruiters listed here.

    Rating for Contract Jobs

    Fire Department City of New York

    out of 10
    OK Reviews based on: 0 Recruiter, 0 Contractors, 2 Others
    Rating distribution:
    Positive 0
    Mixed 2
    Negative 0

    Fire Department City of New York Offices

    • 9 Metrotech Ctr
      Brooklyn NY 11201 US