Overview of contract jobs at Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) enables people to make powerful connections-whether in business, education, philanthropy, or creativity. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create the Internet solutions that make networks possible-providing easy access to information anywhere, at any time.Cisco was founded in 1984 by a small group of computer scientists from Stanford University.

Since the company's inception, Cisco engineers have been leaders in the development of Internet Protocol (IP)-based networking technologies. Today, with more than 65,225 employees worldwide, this tradition of innovation continues with industry-leading products and solutions in the company's core development areas of routing and switching, as well as in advanced technologies such as Networking, Wireless, Security, Unified Communication, Telepresence, Collaboration, Data Center, Virtualization, Unified Computing Systems

How to get a contract job at Cisco?

Cisco is one of the largest employers in Silicon Valley and has a long history of using contractors and also for offshore outsourcing. The contract jobs at Cisco are never advertised on their career website as they are typically filled by local staffing agencies or consulting companies as projects under s Statement of Work (SOW). When these staffing and consulting companies advertise these jobs they don't usually mention that the job belongs to Cisco. They will only disclose it once they speak with you and feel you might be a fit for the role. So your best chance of getting a contract jobs at Cisco Systems in San Jose, CA is to put yourself out there to be found. Start now by creating your profile on OnContracting, the only professional network exclusively focused on contract jobs, where a recruiter knows you are available for contract gigs.


What kind of contract jobs does Cisco hire for?

Cisco hires contractors for lots of positions. Below are some sample contract job titles and whats involved in doing them and the salaries or hourly rates contraactors make from staffing agencies for doing those projects.

Software Engineer

Sr Software Engineer

Web Developer

UI Developer

UI Designer

Software QA Engineer- Manual

Software QA Engineer- Automation

Business Analyst

Project Manager

Program Manager

Systems Engineer

Network Engineer

Experienced Contractor looking for a Payrolling Vendor?

Many experienced contractors often find projects at their previous client companies on their own. However, they still need to go through one of Cisco's preferred staffing agencies or consulting companies to work at Cisco, as it is not efficient for Cisco to deal with lots of individual contractors each requiring background check, contract paperwork, etc. Since the agencies didn't have to spend any effort to obtain this position, they charge a smaller markup (~10%) to 'host' or 'payroll' you at Cisco. Their work is limited to collecting the PO, running a payroll for you and invoicing and collecting the money from Cisco. What this means is that if a Manager wants to hire you, a payrolling vendor might be willing to charge only a 10% markup on you as opposed to the more commonly charged 30% markup if they had found the position and independently found you from the job market. In actual numbers, if a Manager agrees to pay $100/hr for you, a payrolling company could offer you $90/hr on 1099 or Corp-corp (or $80/hr on W2).

If you found your current prohject on your own and your staffing agency is paying you less than 90% on 1099/Corp-Corp or 80% on W2 without benefits, or 70% on W2 with benefits- you are probably leaving money on the table. Contact us or email us and we'll hook you up with a preferred agency that can help you.

Hourly Salaries for Contractors at Cisco Systems

$/hr on W2 (Salary): Min/Avg/Max

Contractors interested in Cisco Systems

Only visible to verified staffing agencies and hiring companies

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Contract Jobs at Cisco Systems

Full-time Jobs at Cisco Systems

To see contract jobs, go to one of the approved vendor's page (above) and look at their jobs tab instead.
Companies don't advertise their contract jobs themselves

Employee Reviews for Cisco Systems

Sign in. Picking a rating between 5/10 (Mixed)- 10/10 (Exceptional), write a review and submit

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Anonymous (other) Rated Excellent
Reviewed: 05-2015

I have been working at Cisco Systems for the last 2 years as a UI developer. Its been a dream job with lots of new technologies, working ona proof of concept that might become a reality. Great team workers- treated like a full-time employee. Hope this contract continues.

Helpful? Yes No 2 users says yes Report abuse
Reviewed: 04-2015

Worked as a QA engineer for Cisco in Silicon valley. It

Helpful? Yes No 3 users says yes Report abuse
Anonymous (other) Rated Good
Reviewed: 01-2015

Cisco is one of the better tech companies in the bay area but has been going down slowly. Most of the people left are just cruising with no fire in the belly. Still some work being done - may be an under appreciated company to work for- good for you as the competition for jobs is not as high as one of the new fangled hot startups. Pay is reasonable and contracts can go up to 18 months and even longer.

Helpful? Yes No 3 users says yes Report abuse
Anonymous (other) Rated Exceptional
Reviewed: 09-2014

Cisco is a great place to work.

Helpful? Yes No 1 users says yes Report abuse
Anonymous (other) Rated Fair
Reviewed: 07-2014

No benefit - nothing to learn- just a paycheck

Helpful? Yes No 3 users says yes Report abuse
Reviewed: 02-2014

Helpful? Yes No 2 users says yes Report abuse
Reviewed: 12-2013

Helpful? Yes No 2 users says yes Report abuse

Recruiters to get a contract job at Cisco Systems

Agencies- Subscribe to have your recruiters listed here.

Rating for Contract Jobs

Cisco Systems

out of 10
Good Reviews based on: 0 Recruiter, 0 Contractors, 7 Others
Rating distribution:
Positive 3
Mixed 4
Negative 0

Cisco Systems Offices

  • 170 West Tasman Dr.
    San Jose CA 95134 US
    408 526 4000
  • 170 West Tasman Dr.
    San Jose CA 95134 US
    408 526 4000

Company Website