Overview of contract jobs at AT&T

AT&T is a provider of telecommunications services in the United States and worldwide. These include wireless communications, local exchange services, long-distance services, data/broadband and Internet services, video services, managed networking, wholesale services and directory advertising and publishing.

It operates in four segments:

·         Wireless, which provides both wireless voice and data communications services across the United States and, through roaming agreements, in foreign countries;

·         Wireline, which provides landline voice and data communication services,

·         AT&T U-Verse TV, broadband and voice services (U-Verse) and managed networking to business customers; advertising solutions, which publishes Yellow and White Pages directories and sells directory advertising and Internet-based advertising and local search, and

·         Other, which provides results from customer information services and all corporate and other operations

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Contract Jobs at AT&T

Full-time Jobs at AT&T

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Employee Reviews for AT&T

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Reviewed: 01-2014

Helpful? Yes No 2 users says yes Report abuse
Anonymous (Contractor) Rated Can have better
Reviewed: 04-2012

One of the most controversial issues with contracting with AT&T is that is asks you to provide you entire Social Security number just to be considered for a contracting position. Sounds like a target for a phishing scam waiting to be exploited till someone silly in their Procurement Group realizes how bad this is. Their logic is they need to background check and verify if the person is eligible for hire/rehire, but come on, so does every other company and they do just fine with First name last name. Free advice- Sure use the SS# verification once you decide to make an offer. That would still meet your need and saves a lot of heartache and worry for potential contractors that have to give out their SS# to several unknown companies.

Helpful? Yes No 3 users says yes Report abuse

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Rating for Contract Jobs


out of 10
Fair Reviews based on: 0 Recruiter, 1 Contractors, 1 Others
Rating distribution:
Positive 0
Mixed 2
Negative 0

AT&T Offices

  • 7277 164th Avenue Northeast
    Redmond WA 98052 US
    (425) 580-7764
  • 18021 Garden Way Northeast
    Woodinville WA 98072 US
    (425) 402-9797
  • 208 S. Akard St.
    Dallas TX 75202 US
    (210) 821-4105
  • 7277 164th Avenue Northeast
    Redmond WA 98052 US
    (425) 580-7764
  • 18021 Garden Way Northeast
    Woodinville WA 98072 US
    (425) 402-9797
  • 208 S. Akard St.
    Dallas TX 75202 US
    (210) 821-4105
  • 111 Monroe Street
    Detroit Mi 48226 US
    +1 313-964-2000

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