In the year 2000, Lynn Tilton founded Patriarch Partners. It is an investment firm with investments in more than 75 companies across 14 industry sectors. Patriarch was built upon a proprietary patented financial model designed to manage and monetize the distressed portfolios of financial institutions. Patriarch focuses on the acquisition and invigoration of undervalued iconic American brands where time, capital and sound strategy can rescue a business and restore value, creating and preserving jobs in America. The firm is devoted to rebuilding America one company at a time, one job at a time.
Since 2000, through affiliated investment funds, Tilton has had ownership in and restructured more than 240 companies with combined revenues in excess of $100 billion, representing more than 675,000 jobs. Current investments include Dura Automotive, Spiegel Catalogs, MD Helicopters, Rand McNally, and Stila Cosmetics. Tilton’s platform is the largest woman-owned business in the country. A proactive partner during periods of operational, industrial and economic change, Patriarch is vertically integrated to rebuild and create value at the enterprise level. It is more than oversight – Patriarch has a wealth of leaders who effectively manage change, build value and who generate additional platform efficiencies through in-house talent acquisition, legal, technology and design innovation, marketing and communications, insurance, and supply chain management.
The investment funds managed by Patriarch currently hold equity positions in more than 70 companies, approximately two-thirds of which are control positions, spanning almost a dozen industries. Its deep, multi-industry experience reflects its perspective across various platforms.
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What to say, undoubtedly they are a great company with huge turnovers. Salary is satisfying, work /life balance is good, bonuses are fair but not paid on time. Like others, I also wish to meet the CEO once, a very talented lady.