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    H1b: Yes(23)

    Corp-Corp: Yes

    Client includes

    Overview of contract jobs at JDSU

    JDSU serves markets that are at the heart of what’s important, making virtually every network in the world faster and more reliable. JDSU leads the fastest-growing segments of the optical-networking market: tunable XFPs, transport blades, and reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs). From development and planning, through deployment and turn-up testing, to optimization and assurance, JDSU test instruments, software, and expertise ensure that all networks—xDSL, fiber, cable, and wireless—are always working at their best. JDSU also applies its sophisticated optical technologies to a range of markets that use light to achieve a unique purpose, from fighting counterfeiting and protecting consumer brands to enabling satellites.
    Its diverse markets include:
    Broadband, Mobile, and Enterprise Networks
    Aerospace and Defense
    Gesture Recognition

    To find contract jobs at JDSU, you should connect with recruiters at its preferred staffing agencies listed above.

    Hourly Salaries for Contractors at JDSU

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    Rating for Contract Jobs


    out of 10
    not rated/na Reviews based on: 0 Recruiter, 0 Contractors, 0 Others
    Rating distribution:
    Positive 0
    Mixed 0
    Negative 0

    JDSU Offices

    • 430 N. McCarthy Blvd.
      Milpitas CA 95035 USA

    Company Website