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    H1b: Yes(23)

    Corp-Corp: Yes

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    Overview of contract jobs at Avago

    Avago Technologies is a leading designer, developer and global supplier of a broad range of analog, digital, mixed signal and optoelectronics components and subsystems with a focus in III-V compound semiconductor design and processing. Backed by an extensive portfolio of intellectual property, Avago products serve four primary target markets: wireless communications, wired infrastructure, enterprise storage, and industrial and other. Applications for our products in these target markets include cellular phones and base stations, data networking, storage and telecommunications equipment, factory automation, power generation and alternative energy systems, and displays.
    To find contract jobs at Avago Technologies, you should connect with recruiters at its preferred staffing agencies listed above.

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    Rating for Contract Jobs


    out of 10
    not rated/na Reviews based on: 0 Recruiter, 0 Contractors, 0 Others
    Rating distribution:
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    Mixed 0
    Negative 0

    Avago Offices

    • 350 West Trimble Road, Building 90
      San Jose CA 95131 USA

    Company Website