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    Overview of contract jobs at Aricent

    Aricent is a global innovation and technology services company. The company develops software and provides technology services to application, infrastructure, and service providers with operations in 19 countries worldwide. The company claims to be one of the largest privately held companies in Silicon Valley, with 800 customers, and employs more than 10,000 consultants, designers, and engineers at 36 locations worldwide. The company licenses its own software products for use in telecommunications design, manufacturing, and service with 40+ years' design experience through frog, including products for Apple, Disney, GE, HP, Sony, and many other Fortune 500 brands. Aricent has been ranked as 17th in the Top 20 IT services export firms in India in terms of total revenue in the 24th annual survey conducted by Dataquest, CyberMedia group journal in July 2010. Aricent Technologies is ranked #19 in Indian IT companies and overall #451 in the Fortune India 500 list in 2011.

    Aricent Group is the successor to Hughes Software Systems, which was established in 1991, as well as Flextronics Software Systems, which was created in 2004 after the parent company's acquisition. In 2006, Flextronics sold 85% of the company to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) and Sequoia Capital. Flextronics retained 15% ownership. Frog, acquired by Flextronics in 2004, is a company of the Aricent.
    Source: Wikipedia.
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    Aricent Offices

    • 303 Twin Dolphin Drive. 6th Floor
      Redwood City CA 94065 USA

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